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June 17
Town of Princeton, Mass.
BOARD OF SELECTMEN   --  June 17, 2013
6:00 PM  Open Meeting  The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Stan Moss & Edith Morgan. Neil Sulmasy and Town Administrator John Lebeaux absent.

Warrants and Minutes
Board reviewed and signed FY13 Vendor and Payroll Warrant # 25
Board reviewed and voted all in favor to approve meeting minutes of June 3

6:10 PM New Business
Stan announced that two letters of resignation had been received. Animal Control Officer Louis Massa is gone as of July 14. Tree Warden Robert Mason will be done effective June 30. The selectmen voted all in favor to accept the resignations of Louis Massa and Robert Mason.
A letter from Conservation Commissioner David Getman indicated that he has moved to Berlin but he wants to continue serving on the Princeton ConsComm. His letter cited MGL in which there is no residency requirement for appointed boards and commissions, and Princeton has no local requirement.
The board considered a list of eight individuals slated for re-appointment, including Mr. Getman, and voted all in favor to accept the appointments. They also signed a document from the town moderator of Town Clerk Lynne Grettum, for a term through June, 2016. The document indicated that the moderator had sworn in the town clerk who had been re-appointed at the June 3 selectmen’s meeting.
The board previously approved the sale of two cemetery lots to Jed & Susan Stolberg, and they signed a new deed on which some minor correction had been made.
Ken Whitney from the Fire Department asked the selectmen to sign two documents involved in an agreement with federal and state agencies for excess equipment that is loaned or sold to the PFD. The board voted all in favor for Stan to sign the forms and they immediately returned them to Ken for processing.

6;25 PM Other Business

Stan reported on progress of the Broadband Committee and stated that the design work will go forward at just under $10,000—which had been approved at the May Annual Town Meeting—and the design should be completed by the end of July. The committee’s website has a sign-up for volunteers to do pole inventory and about 10 individuals has expressed interest as well as some Boy Scouts. PMLD will inventory poles on private land/driveways.
Noting that the Town of Leverett is a step ahead of Princeton in this process, Stan said the cost estimates there dropped from over $3 million to a little over $2 million when more bid competition opened up. He also reported on the coinciding upgrades that may become available to the phones in town buildings.

6:45 PM  Adjourned Selectmen voted all in favor to adjourn

Respectfully submitted,   Marie Auger, administrative assistant
Referenced Documents; cemetery deed (corrected); Town Clerk document; PFD’s excess equipment agreements; letters of resignation from Mason & Massa; letter from Getman; annual appointments list.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department